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2014年3月17日    中国博士招聘网

An interdisciplinary research group has an opening for a post doctoral research associate to work on the development, implementation, and testing of bio-inspired anomaly detection algorithms as part of an ongoing joint project with Rutgers University and Honeywell ACS Labs, funded by the US Dept. of Homeland Security.


An interdisciplinary research group has an opening for a post doctoral research associate to work on the development, implementation, and testing of bio-inspired anomaly detection algorithms as part of an ongoing joint project with Rutgers University and Honeywell ACS Labs, funded by the US Dept. of Homeland Security. A successful candidate will hold a PhD in mathematics, engineering, computer science or a related field, have experience in network security, be fluent in Python programming language, have published research articles in academic journals or in conference proceedings, be willing to work as part of an interdisciplinary team with computer scientists, applied mathematicians, and biologists, and help prepare and present progress reports to funding agencies. Experience with network simulators is also highly desirable, but not necessary. The position will be based at Rutgers University in New Jersey for 1.5 years, with an anticipated start date of mid-April 2014. To apply, send statement of research interests and relevant experience, CV, and names of 3 references with contact information to Nina H. Fefferman Please be prepared to forgive delays in response to submissions.
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