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2014年3月12日    中国博士招聘网


Applications are invited for a 3-year postdoctoral position in omics integration at the department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department at Michigan State University in the interdisciplinary group of Dr. George Mias [http://georgemias.org].
This is an interdisciplinary research position, for experimental biological research using high-throughput technologies, and candidates with a strong background in experimental biology will be considered. The position is aimed at the quantitative study of the dynamics of high-throughput multi-omics technologies, including genomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics, proteomics, methylomics, etc., and the study of biological networks and dynamic systems. These studies will improve our understanding of the interplay of multiple molecular components at a system’s level and their role in hematologic and immunologic disorders, including applications to personalized medicine. A requirement for the position is excellent familiarity with experimental techniques. Experience particularly with next generation sequencing technologies and techniques (e.g. sample library preparation), or mass spectrometry and tissue culture (e.g. B-cells, primary cells) will be considered as additional advantages. Additional responsibilities will include collaborating with and oversight of undergraduate and graduate students working on multiple projects.
Applicants for the position should have a track record of published research commensurate with their field and experience. A Ph.D. degree is required for commencing this position; Ph.D. candidates who can provide evidence of dissertation defense dates on or before the start date will also be considered. Relevant areas for the Ph.D. include Genetics, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry and experimental Biology. The successful candidate will have excellent organization and communication skills, collaborative spirit and strong personal motivation. Evidence of scholarly productivity in the form of journal articles, conference proceedings, and/or conference presentations is mandatory. English language proficiency is required.
To apply for this position, please e-mail applications to Dr. George Mias, Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Michigan State University, at gmiaslab@gmail.com. Applicants should submit the following information (PDF file formats preferred):
  1. A current CV.
  2. A brief statement of research interests and career goals, and why you are well-suited for this position [1-2 pages].
  3. Copies of full graduate and undergraduate transcripts.
  4. Three reference letters, and contact information for each referee.
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