Postdoctoral Scholar (BK21) : Seoul, South Korea
Employer: Prof. Soon Hyeok Hong, Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University
Location: Seoul, South Korea
Type: Postdoctoral
Posted: October 26, 2011
Expires: December 23, 2011
job description
We are seeking postdoctoral scholars who will pursue research on organic synthesis and organometallic catalysis. Successful candidates should have Ph.D. in organic or organometallic chemistry. Demonstrated ability to effectively communicate research results in the forms of
journal papers and oral presentations is needed. Creative and self-motivated individual with a
passion in the development of novel work leading to high-impact applications is especially welcome.
Salary and housing will be supported by the BK21 program in South Korea.
To apply, please submit cover letter and CV including a list of publications as well as the names and contact information of three referees electronically to Prof. Hong (soonhong@snu.ac.kr).
Don’t forget to mention Naturejobs when applying.