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北京大学生命科学学院郭红卫实验室招聘 高级研究助理1名
2014年7月18日    中国博士招聘网
Research Directions
My group has been investigating the molecular mechanism of ethylene signal transduction and interplays of multiple phytohormones during growth, development and leaf senescence in the model organism Arabidopsis thaliana. Meanwhile, we are exploring new routes and integrating systems biology approaches to illustrate phytohormone signal transduction and regulatory network. For more information, please visit our website: http://www.bio.pku.edu.cn/lab/guohw_lab/. 
We are seeking a Ph.D. or postdoctoral fellow that will be offered as an assistant or associate investigator. We will provide internationally competitive salary and benefits according to applicant’s qualification. 
A Ph.D. degree in biochemistry, molecular biology, plant biology, genetics, or closely related fields is required. A few years of postdoc training is preferred but not required. Suitable candidates should work proactively and have strong responsibility. Candidates should also possess good English skills in scientific writing and presentation. 
The obligations include supervising and training students and technicians, engaging in other research-associated tasks such as manuscript writing and funding application. 
Please send one electronic document including your curriculum vitae, a statement of research experience, and contact information of three referees, to Dr. Hongwei Guo (hongweig@pku.edu.cn). 
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