湖南大学(http://www.hnu.edu.cn)坐落在中国历史文化名城长沙,前临碧波荡漾的湘江,后倚秀如琢玉的岳麓山,风景秀丽,环境幽雅。享有“千年学府,百年名校”之誉,是国家教育部直属的全国重点综合性大学、国家“211工程”、“985工程”重点建设的高水平大学。学校办学起源于宋太祖开宝九年(公元976年) 创建的岳麓书院,历经宋、元、明、清等朝代的变迁,学府千年,弦歌不绝,英才辈出。
Hunan University (http://www.hnu.edu.cn)is located in Changsha, a historically and culturally renowned city in China. Situated at the foot of the picturesque Yuelu hill and on the west bank of the rippling Xiang River, it has a beautiful campus. It is a key comprehensive university affiliated with the Ministry of Education, China and included in China’s “211 Project” and “985 Project” for priority investment and construction. The university, dating back to Yuelu Academy founded in 976 A.D, experienced the time changes of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties for more than one thousand years and has committed itself to fostering talent people for the society and is a cradle for many talented people, hence the name “One Thousand-year-old Academy, One Hundred-year-old Famous University”.
Hunan University is now a comprehensive and well-coordinated university featuring studies in engineering, with a strong foundation in science, a unique cultural background in liberal arts and its own characteristics in economics. In the new century, endowed with charming nature landscapes and a rich cultural heritage, Hunan University is striving to build itself into one of China’s first-class comprehensive, open and research universities with distinctive characteristics of Hunan Culture and considerable influence in the world.
To recruit outstanding talented people from overseas at the 2013 AEA Annual Conference, Hunan University has sent its delegation headed by one of its senior officials and heads of College of Economics and Trade, College of Finance and Statistics, College of Business Administration, Department of Human Resources and Office of International Programs in order to meet with potential candidates on site.
1. 招聘岗位
1. Positions for recruitment
College 学科方向
Fields of Recruitment 岗位
Position 学院联系人/联系方式/学院网站
Contact Person and Website
College of Economics and Trade 国际经济学、制度经济学、计量经济学、劳动经济学;产业经济学、区域经济学、国际商务、经济史及经济思想史、能源及生态经济学International Economics, Institutional Economics, Econometrics, Labor Economics, Industrial Economics, Regional Economics, International Business, History of Economics, History of Economic Thought, Energy and Ecological Economics 教授
Associate Professor,
Assistant Professor
E-mail:: wjz@hnu.edu. cn
Zhang Wenjing
E-mail:: wjz@hnu.edu. cn
College of Business Administration 系统优化与决策、金融经济学、风险管理、数理金融、运营管理、管理信息系统、电子商务、行为金融、公司金融、会计学、财务管理学、人力资源管理、市场营销、战略管理、国际商务等
System Optimization and Decision, Financial Economics, Risk Management, Mathematical Finance, Operation Management, Management Information System, E-Business, Behavioral Finance , Corporate Finance, Accounting, Finance Management, HR Management, Marketing, Strategic Management, International Business 国内联系人:
杨智:86-731-88822228, yangmkt@126.com ,
Contact Person (China)
Yang Zhi
Tel: 86-731-88822228
E-mail: yangmkt@126.com ,
国外联系人:方二 erfang@illinois.edu
Contact Person (Overseas)
Fang Er
E-mail: erfang@illinois.edu .com
College of Finance and Statistics 金融学、统计学相关领域,包括金融学、金融工程、保险精算、统计学、计量经济学、数量经济学
Finance and Statistics related areas, including Finance, Financial Engineering, Insurance Actuary ,Statistics, Econometrics, Quantitative Economics 晏艳阳:86-731-88684767
E-mail:: yyyang@hnu.edu.cn
Yan Yanyang
Tel: 86-731-8868-4767
E-mail:: yyyang@hnu.edu.cn
Law School 政治学、公共管理学、社会保障学、法和经济学、知识产权法学
Politic Science, Public Administration, Social Security, Law and Economics, Intellectual Property Law 刘伟:86-731-88821963
E-mail:: weiliuy@126.com
Liu Wei
Tel: 86-731-8882-1963
E-mail:: weiliuy@126.com
In addition to the above fields, Hunan University also welcomes excellent holders of PhD degree from well-known universities in all other disciplines in arts, science and engineering.
2. Notices:
(1) Settlement allowance: RMB 200,000 for professors and RMB 140,000 for others
(2) Start-up research fund: RMB 100,000 for professors and RMB 150,000-250,000 for others
(3) Annual salary: RMB 100,000 to 300,000
(4) Applicants of non-Chinese origin should have basic Chinese communication skills.
3. Contact:
Website: http://rsc.hnu.cn/
联系人:王老师 电话:86-731-88822723
手机:13875912420 E-mail: szgl@hnu.edu.cn (邮件主题必须以: "博士招聘网+姓名+应聘职位" 的格式发送)
Contact Person: Ms. Wang
Tel: 86-731-88822723
Mobile: 86-13875912420
E-mail: szgl@hnu.edu.cn(邮件主题必须以: "博士招聘网+姓名+应聘职位" 的格式发送)
Please submit application documents to the e-mail address of the contact persons before December 25th, 2012. After preliminary selection, we will inform the candidates to attend the first interview to be held at San Diego, CA, USA between January 4th and 6th, 2013. Hunan University will set up a recruitment table on site at the AEA Conference
We also welcome applications and inquiries all the year around.
You are most welcome to join us in Hunan University, an institution with a history of more than one thousand years.. |